National Disability Insurance Scheme
Sydney Region Aboriginal Corporation (SRAC) is the largest Aboriginal community controlled, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) registered provider in Western Sydney.
We pride ourselves on our culturally developed practices that best support choice and control for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people living with disabilities. Our services provide a unique combination of culture and disability supports that can be tailored specifically to each individuals needs and are delivered by Aboriginal workers and community.
The NDIS is Australia’s first national Scheme for people with disability. It provides funding directly to individuals. If you have a disability or are caring for someone who has a disability, the NDIS could provide the support you need.
The NDIS provides money to people under 65 who have a permanent and significant disability to pay for services, equipment and supports so they can have a better life. It also supports their families and other people who care for them. The NDIS can also help with getting access to services. Source: NDIS
Supports for participants fall into 3 categories:
Core Supports is the most flexible budget. It helps you with everyday activities, your current
disability-related needs and to work towards your goals.
Source: NDIS
Capacity Building Supports help build your independence and skills to help you pursue your
goals. This portion of your plan can only be used to purchase approved supports that fall
within that Capacity Building category.
Source: NDIS
Capital Supports can only be used for their specific purpose which include higher-cost pieces
of assistive technology, equipment and home or vehicle modifications, and funding for one-
off purchases you may need (including Specialist Disability Accommodation). Source: NDIS
Support Coordination
Support coordination helps you to make the best use of the supports in your plan. We can connect you with NDIS providers, community, mainstream and other government services. We can provide short term or ongoing support to help you pursue your goals, understand your plan and build your confidence and skills to use and coordinate your supports.
Assistance to Access Community, Community Participation
Under Assistance with Social and Community Participation, SRAC can offer a support worker to provide flexible disability supports customised to your own needs and to support you to meet goals relating to participating in community, social or recreational activities to prevent the risk of social isolation.
This includes support to:
attend personal development course
join a social group
take an outing or a vacation
see a movie or a concert
school holiday activities and care
go to community events, and/or
join a sporting club or gym
This support also includes activities that are either centre-based (e.g. to attend SRAC Community Hub) or out in the community.
Improved Daily Living
This support allows us to assist participants in their own home to develop life skills that will enable them to maintain their home and continue to live independently.
House and/or Yard Maintenance
Support the participant with basic yard and/or garden tasks they are unable to perform themselves.
Group/Centre Activities
Delivery of supports to enable a participant to engage in community, social and/or recreational activities in a group or community based setting.
Assist - Travel/Transport
This support may include transporting a participant from their home to the community or involve a worker accompanying a participant on a community outing including getting to and from shopping, doctor or medical appointments and outings. Source NDIS
Support is provided to guide, prompt or undertake actions to ensure the participant obtains/retains appropriate accommodation. This may include assisting to apply for a rental tenancy or to undertake tenancy obligations in line with the participant’s tenancy agreement.
SLES: Assistance to access and maintain employment
Support is provided to develop work skills, practices, and routines for Participants to take into prospective employment. Workplace assistance enables a participant to successfully/retain employment in the open or supported workforce.
If you, or someone you care for, have a permanent disability and you want some help to access the scheme, call us for a yarn on (02) 4721 1536 or email referrals@srac.ngo or info@srac.ngo and we will assist you to get started.
You can also visit www.ndis.gov.au or call the
NDIS line 1800 800 110 anytime between 8.00am to 11.00pm Monday to Friday.